Friday, August 14, 2015

Ellen Miles and farm photo's from mid 50's

Gloria shared this information with me: "I'm on the left, rear. This is a group of my classmates in Akron OH. May have been the day we took a 25-mile bike ride to get our bicycling honor, although maybe not -- because I don't have a bike. Maybe we were just having fun. In front of me is Kathy Sarokas, then L-R: Elaine Jefferies, unknown, and finally Carol Shobe."

The back of this picture says, Ellen age 31.  I think maybe that's her kneeling down and drinking.  I think it's Irma Hirst Wright leaning against the wall. 

This looks like Leon with Gloria on the horse behind him.  I'm not sure.  If it is at the Mineral farm, then the other man is most likely Mr. Meeks or Charlie Page.
Gloria says: "looks like it's at the Mineral VA home of grandmother Grace Miles. I think I'm definitely on the horse, but that is not dad. Don't know who it is. The older man to the right may have been a neighbor Mr Meeks. Looks like our brother Bob in the right background - the blond towhead. Maybe be Gary in the middle of the photo -- too indistinct to see.  But if those are the boys, they seem young. If I'm 14 in April 1958, they would have been 6 and 7.5 yrs younger, and the children in the photo don't seem to be 7 or 8 years old. Maybe the picture was not developed when it was taken. Could it be old film - maybe I'm only 12-13."

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