Friday, August 14, 2015

Letter From Rozel to Carrol in the hospital

Littleton, N.H.
July 26, 1939
My dearest Carroll,
How are you dear?  I hope you are gaining every day.  Be a good boy and do just what the doctor wants you to so you will be well soon and come home to me.  We are well and are staying with mama and Dad.  Baby is a little darling and looks just like you.  Just think she will be four weeks old Sunday.  It doesn't seem possible. Lorna Jean grows like a weed.  She is as solid as can be.  Just now she is having a grand time playing with a kitten.  Ida Johnson was married Sunday to Clifford Brennan.  We met him at Harold's one day.  They had a large wedding and everything was lovely.

I would liked to have gone but I wouldn't enjoy it without you.  They have gone to the World's Fair on their honeymoon.
Dad has been helping Franklin Piper hay.  I guess they expect to finish today. 
I wish so much that I could come down and see you, dear, but I guess that will be impossible for a while.  
Write to me if you can. 
Lots of love from your 
P.S. I have your glasses and everything is taken care of and ok.  We love you, dear, and are praying for you.

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