Sunday, September 3, 2017

Unknown people, do you know any of them???

On the back: "Rec'd Sept 1959 from Helen Mollohan"  I believe in Ellen's handwriting.  No idea who this is or who Helen Mollohan is.

On the back: "about May '58, Maryland
Darlene Bailey
Mike Karnes"
When I did a search for those names and found the following marriage certificate.  Given the location (Orange Virginia is very near Mineral) and also religion of the people on the certificate (Seventh-Day Adventist) there's a good change the groom is possibly the baby in the photo above.  I'll try to do some more searching to find out.

This picture is clearly a beloved family member. Seems to have come out of a family photo album.  But there is no identification on it at all.  I'm hoping that someone will recognize her. 

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