Sunday, August 13, 2017

Buddy Hall and family - update

I am trying to identify this family.  I found these pictures in an envelope all together and Aunt Ellen wrote "Jan 1960, Buddy's girls + 3 other's" on the envelope.  I feel like this is someone that was of relation to her because of the amount and type of pictures.  But I haven't  found any family members with the last name of Hall yet.  If anyone has any thoughts please let me know.  Thanks.
** Update.  I have found this sweet family.  Apparently in true Ellen fashion, she loved these little girls very much.  Enough to have so many photo's of them saved still in her box of family photo's.  Even the professionally done one.  This family was a family that lived in Louisa and I am assuming either neighbors with Grace and Ellen or else the father, "Buddy", was a hired hand of some sort on the farm.   I think the connection was with Buddy because she names him and doesn't write the name of the mother.  I have connected with the children of Shirley and I hope to give them the original pictures.  The daughter told me that they don't have very many pictures so it's cool that Auntie Ellen gave this to them, once again showing  her sweet loving spirit.

Written on the back, "Shirley Jean Hall, 6 years old, 1962"

Born May 16, 1956 to James Lawrence Hall and Shirley Ann Smith or Barlow in Mineral, Va.

I know this is Ellen with the two girls.  Dated Nov 58

Same swing set and same clothes on the girls as the picture with Ellen.  No idea who the woman is, but my assumption is that it is the girls mother.  Seems like a warm climate?  Or an unusually lovely day?  It's taken in Nov of '58 and everyone is in short sleeves and the girls are barefoot.

This is obviously the two girls, and the car has Virginia tags, so either it's a warm day or maybe that is Ellen's car and they are visiting somewhere south?  Dated Nov 58.

Written on the back, "Shirley 3, Helen 4, 1960"  Dated Jan 1960.

Same swing set, older man, Buddy?  Or a grandfather to girls?  Or Sylvan Cunningham? Ellen and Sylvan married Dec 17, 1958.
 Dated Nov 58

The next four pictures were tiny pictures all put together in a photo display.

Girls with possibly mother? They are in the same outfit as the swing set pictures.

Note the coke bottle with the nipple on it.

Again not dated nor written on.  Same outfits as the car photo.

Obviously from someone's photo album.  Nothing written on it or dated.

These were several small school pictures and I've grouped them together in what I believe is the same child and in what I believe is age oldest to youngest.   Only 2 had anything  on the back.

The middle picture has "Helen Hall, 3rd" on the back, the far right picture has "Helen Ann, age 8, 1962" on the back.

I believe these are all of Shirley.

Unknown man with calf but seems to match the picture of what I think is Grace below.  Dated Feb 1960 and he's dressed warmly.

I think this is Grace, not sure of the man. Dated Feb 1960, and they are dressed warmly like it was cold out.

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