Thursday, July 10, 2014

Deed for property in 1841 from John Bacon

John Bacon &  wife
John Neel
Received this deed for
Record June 18th 1841
Recorded from
24th 1841 on page
324 .......
J. H......

Know all men by these Presents, that we John Bacon and Mary A his wife of the County of Clark and State of Ohio, In consideration of the sum of six thousands dollars in hand paid by John Neel of the County of Belmont and State afore said have Bargained and Sold, and do hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the said John Need, his heirs and afigns (?) forever the following described premises situate in the County of Clark and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Moorefield, Bounded described as follows, to wit, Being a part of Sections Number one and two and thirty one and thirty two, in Township Number four and five of Range Number ten of Lands lying between Miame Rivers, Beginning at a Stake in the center of the road Leading from Springfield in Clark County to Urbana in Champaign County, in the line of Samson Masorb (?) Sands, ten rods South from his North West corner and at a South East corner of John Grubb's land.  Thence 

Found this on the internet:

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