Thursday, July 10, 2014

W. M. Dietz banknote

Newspaper article on Soldiers, Emig family

Emig Soldier grave newspaper article

Deed for property in 1841 from John Bacon

John Bacon &  wife
John Neel
Received this deed for
Record June 18th 1841
Recorded from
24th 1841 on page
324 .......
J. H......

Know all men by these Presents, that we John Bacon and Mary A his wife of the County of Clark and State of Ohio, In consideration of the sum of six thousands dollars in hand paid by John Neel of the County of Belmont and State afore said have Bargained and Sold, and do hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the said John Need, his heirs and afigns (?) forever the following described premises situate in the County of Clark and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Moorefield, Bounded described as follows, to wit, Being a part of Sections Number one and two and thirty one and thirty two, in Township Number four and five of Range Number ten of Lands lying between Miame Rivers, Beginning at a Stake in the center of the road Leading from Springfield in Clark County to Urbana in Champaign County, in the line of Samson Masorb (?) Sands, ten rods South from his North West corner and at a South East corner of John Grubb's land.  Thence 

Found this on the internet:

Leon Miles

Garden State Academy, Faculty Photo, unknown date

Friday, July 4, 2014

Sylvia Burbank Miles letter to Ellen Miles Cunningham (11.5.1967) with included picture postcard from Henry Miles to son Carroll Miles (3.18.1919)

Letter from Sylvia Burbank Miles to Ellen Miles Cunningham. Sylvia's husband was Harold Henry Miles, brother to Carroll Miles.  Her letter included a picture postcard (which was how they used to send pictures in the really old days) of Henry sent to Carroll.

Craftsbury, Vt
Nov. 5, 1967
Dear Ellen,
It was nice of you to send me some wedding pictures, they reached me in good condition.  I wrote and thanked you for them and sent the letter to your Richmond, Va. address.  One of my friends here would like a picture of the four of us, the two mothers, Philip and Pauline standing on the church steps. I wondered if you could get a picture for me sometime soon.

You asked for a picture of your Grandfather Miles but I didn't know as I had one but since then and in looking over pictures upstairs have located one. You will

find the picture enclosed in this letter.  The writing seems to indicate that it is he and it was sent to your parents in South Lancaster when Myrtie was a baby.

I never met him but heard him talking one night at my home in Chelsea, Vt.  I had gone to bed upstairs though.

It seems probably that in the near future that I will be moving to Morrisville, Vt. to an apartment there.  The writing (?) and deed goes through this week I will sell this place and rent an apartment over there.  It will be better to be nearer church, have a smaller place to heat, etc,

Philip and Pauline come over quite often and I expect them this  pm.  Philip still works at the garage in St. Johnsbury when he has right along (?).  

Sincerely, Sylvia Miles

19 Hill St. Battle Creek Mich.
March 18th 1919
Our Dear Love Ones:
We recieved the bonnet and think its very pretty many thank for it.  Etta said it was a nice peice of work.  

Your Father was busy and told me to write.  He has a hard cold and a soar hand.  Kenneth has a hard cold also.  We haven't had any pictures taken of him yet.  Will try and have our pictures taken this summer and shall remember you with one.

Love to all and kiss baby Myrtie for me.  Blanche

(the Etta that is mentioned is Etta Brooks Miles wife of Perry Miles, brother to Henry)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Unknown... please help me identify.

These photo's were in with other family photos of Grace, Carroll, and children.

This photo was in Ellen's things, I'm assuming Miles family but really completely unsure. Anyone know them??

Carroll and Grace's children on the farm

Leon Miles asleep in his wagon.

Myrtie and Leon in the tree with Ralph in the chair below.  Taken on the farm in South Lancaster, Mass.  1923

Carroll Miles

Carroll Miles on his Dad's farm in Montpelier, Vt.
Unknown but in same collection of photo's as above...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Letters from Grace Miles to Ellen Miles

Just a quick note about letters.  I try to type it out word for word, including bad spelling.  Sometimes I add punctuation to make it easier to read. 

Letter from Grace Miles to Ellen Miles, written June 17th, 1953.  I'm not sure who the "David" is that is mentioned in the letter.  Phillip is Harold Henry Miles' son.

Dear Ellen,

I was glad to get your letter.

Last week Mrs. Wilson wrote that she and Mrs. Turner was coming down Sabbath.  Then Friday Elton wrote that they were coming so I had a house full.

They seemed to enjoy it though.  Sandra is getting tall.  David and Philip asked the blessing once each.

We went to S.S. and came home by the way of Cecils so they could see all the geese and ducks.

It has rained so I cannot get my hay cut.

Meeks watters the chickens and geese also helps in the garden.  I hauled two loads of hay for uncle Dennis and he said I could have the rest of the manure.  I will get it when I get the hay cut.  I had the truck motor tuned up so it does not take quite so much gass.

Elton and Ruth bought the boys each a summer suit and two pare of shorts.  Also two dresses for me.  Elton said because they did not send anything for my birth day or mothers day.

Hamilton is getting a check from the welfare until he gets his pension.  

I hope I can go to campmeeting

but I don't know yet.  I am at Dr. Pen now with Mr. Meeks.

Charlie is working a long way from here this week he is staying in his car and will not be home until Sabbath.

I bought the boys some shorts made of overall cloth.  I was telling Myrtie I could make them if I could buy the goods by the yard.  Philip said, "make us grass pants." I could not think what he meant then he said.  The yard has grass in.

Philip had a notion he did not want to go to bed so I told Meeks not to go to bed until after they did.

I told Philip he could sit up until he got sleepy but not to go to sleep until he went to bed.  About 10 oçlock he lay on the floor and David in a chair.  I said if you go to sleep I am going to turn the lights out and let you sleep.  Philip said, "I am not going to sleep"  In about 10 minutes they were asleep.  So I left them.  about 2 o'clock Meeks heard Philip crying and David telling him, "I told you to come to bed." Well they have not bothered about wanting to stay up again.

Well I must close and write some more letters.
With love

Letter from Grace to Ellen written May 23rd, 1953. Lots of farm life depicted in this letter.  Also the adoption of Reed is briefly mentioned.  For more on this read the letter posted from Myrtie to Ellen.  Printed on the paper on Page 2, on the right hand side is "Medical College of Virginia Hospital, Richmond, Virginia".  Also, Myrtie dies Jan 5, 1956 (2 1/2 years later after this letter) of some kind of heart condition at the age of 38 (just a few weeks shy of her 39th birthday).

May 23, 1953
Dear Ellen - 

We went to the zoo last Tuesday.  Myrtie had to go to the Dr. so we went too.  You should have heard the monkeys holler.  The boys had a good time seeing all the animals.  Philip knew the geraph when he saw it.  My garden is up good but it rained so I did not get all the potatoes howed.  Will try and finish them in the morning.

Charlie killed a mockson snake out in the road as you go up to McGehees this afternoon.

Myrties heart was beeting 130 a minute.  They put the electric machine on her up here at the Hospital and it made marks from one side of the paper to the other.

I think she should rest but she went and got a baby a woman had at the hospital she did not want.  Myrtie is paying the Hospital bill and the adopsion papers.  She is not working now. 

I got the boys shorts and I will get some more these old overall look so hot this weather. Mrs. Fry is their S.S. (sabbath school) teacher she was here yesterday and she wanted to know who taught them their lesson.  She said they knew it in S.S.

Say could you send 15 extra this week.  I want to put the roof on another room in the chicken house so I can get the hay cut and put in out of the rain.  You can take

out $5 for the next 3 times.  After this it has cost some for the garden and I have put on one roof for the hens.

I have paid some off on my bills.  I hope to have them all paid this fall.  But this chicken house roof is my bigest worry now.

Philip helped me set tomato plants.  Now I have 100 sweet potatoes to set out. he will help me with them too. 

The plants came and this morning that little bud was a little yellow bloom.  Thanks so much.
With love Mother

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Myrtie Miles Page adopts Reed

This is a letter, from Myrtie, to Ellen on June 25th, 1953.  She was telling Ellen her news.

 Mineral, Va.
June 25, 1953
Dear Ellen;

Well, maybe I'm so bad as you for writting, but here I am getting around to answer you letter with the check.  It sure comes in at a time we need it.

 The weather is real hot here.  Mom's small garden is wilting in the hot sun.  Mom's got 3 skunks now and she and Meek set traps at night.

Say, we have a family of Brown Thrushes in the grape vine by the drive-way.  I think there is four anyway.

Charlie is working and he wants to get on a 5 day job instead of 5 1/2 and 6 and long hours.  And away nights.

Ellen would you be mad with me if you knew you have a nephew?  You see, I went in debt $135 and then
too Dr. Lineweaver and another doctor in the same building told me to quit work because my heart was acting up.  They told me to have a electiccardiogram taken as soon as I can.  So I went to the hospital to Dr. Bamturd (sp?) to have it done and his nurse told me I had a baby upstairs.  You see this lady didn't want to baby and she found out I did and she told me to get a doctor and lawyer and she would sign anything off to me if I would pay her doctor and hospital bill.  So I told her sure, I'd wanted a girl but I'll take whatever she has.  And she had a sweet little boy weighing 6 lbs, 8 oz and now at a month old he is weighing 10 lbs.

I had to think quick and fast for a boys name so I finally named him "Reed Paul".  So while his mother sold him for $85.00 I am paying $135 because I want to keep him for

life, but I wouldn't take three times I paid for him.  She was like getting out of jail when I came to see her and so I went and had to get my lawyer so she could sign the consent to the baby to me.  Oh, Ellen, he is cute now, he laughs and cries like time when his daddy don't come in.  Charlie wanted a boy and she had it.  And while I was content to stop work yet I was surprised to come home with a baby.  I sure wished I had taken his length when I came home.  Now he is 23 inches long.

Now, I hope and pray that I can raise him up to love and serve the Lord when he grows up.  Reed has light brown hair and blue eyes now.  But they are changing.  You know I went to take him to church twice and on his first visit Elder Frye

made quite a speech on him.  I wanted to go to campmeeting but I guess that we can't go only on the last Sabbath.   So I'm planning to go this Sabbath.  

Mother is going to pick string beans the last of this week and I will have beet greens.

Mother had to take the boys up to get their last shots and Phillip was vaccinated this morning.

Well I must go and try to mend up some clothes and feed Reed this afternoon.  May God bless you and guide you in your work is my prayer.
Love as ever,
P.S. I will send you a picture of Reed when I get some.

Reed Page.

I'm guessing Reed and Dad, Charlie Page.

I'm guessing Reed and dad, Charlie Page.

"Snowfall in March 1956.  Reed found it irresistible!"

Reed Page

Four Generations Hirst women and Carrol Miles, 1918

May Vinton Hirst and Myrtie Miles. 1918

Four Generations.  Great Grandma Lucy Vinton on right, Grandma May Vinton Hirst, Mother Grace Hirst Miles, Myrtie Miles.  Across the street from Grandma's home on Narrow Lane, South Lancaster.  Narrow Lane Public School in background.

Carroll Miles with Myrtie at Grandmother Hirst home on Narrow Lane South Lancaster, Massachusetts. 1918

Lucy Vinton  across the street from May Vinton Hirst's home on Narrow Lane, South Lancaster.  Narrow Lane Public School in background.

Lucy Vinton and Grace Miles. 1918
May Hirst, Myrtie Miles, Lucy Vinton

Grace with Myrtie