Friday, September 13, 2013

Hirst family siblings

 This is various photos of Hirst family.  I don't know all of them but I have some information.  To give you an idea of who's who.  Leon Miles's mother was Grace Hirst Miles.  Her brother's were Cecil and Willis Hirst. 
Naoma? Naomi was the wife of Willis, Cecil's brother.
This photo is Cecil proposing in fun to Willis' love (not sure if she was married to Willis at that point yet). :)

Cecil Hirst

Irma Hirst, oldest daughter of Willis and Naomi, (they had three, Irma, May, and Esther). 

Willis and Naomi.

Lina's granddaughter, Juanita (now deceased) said that in this picture the man all the way on the left looks like Anson Hirst. The man in the center looks like Todd Hirst. On the back of the picture it is written, "This is one I took.  Will send more I took if I ever find out if you are getting them." These pictures were all in an envelope with the same handwriting on the front and the return address surname is "Lloyd" from Aston, Pa. Blanche Hirst Lloyd was Todd Hirst's daughter. 

Juanita, Lina's granddaughter told me that she believes this is Lina and two of her three boys.

This picture is labeled "Todd's sister Grace and child and me."  Sent to Ellen by Blanch Hirst.  Grace is on the right.  I assume the child is Myrtie. The girl on the left is Blanch.

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