Friday, September 13, 2013

Hirst family photo's, Grace as a nurse

 Cecil on the left, and my suspicions are the other two are brothers, Chester and Todd.

Grace in her nursing profession.
Grace with a nursing classmate friend. 1917

Nursing classmate on left, I believe Grace on right.

Anson Hirst, Grace's father.

This photo is marked, Todd's sister Grace.  I am surprised by the complete boyish attire but there's another photo of two of the girls dressed as boys so maybe it is really her.
This is not identified, but I believe it is Grace and Myrtie.
Grace Hirst Miles.  I believe this is on the farm in Mineral and maybe this man is named Mr. Meeks??
(photo shared by Vicki Nelson-Flores from May Hirst Nelson's collection)

Todd Hirst and family

Todd Hirst, approx 1918

Todd and Esther Hirst approx 1922 or 1923

Todd Hirst approx 1918 or 1919

Todd Hirst and Blanch Hirst Lloyd (married name)

Blanch and Gladys Hirst
Todd and Blanch Hirst approx 1919 or 1920
Todd Hirst

Hirst unknown, and Cecil and Todd

I think this might be Irma Hirst.
Cecil on left, Todd on right.

I'm still working in Aunt Ellen's file of Hirst pictures.  I have no identification of the pictures above but I'm wondering if the top military one isn't of Todd and Cecil.  I know Todd was drafted in WWI.  And the bottom photo is identified as Cecil and Todd Hirst.
written on back:
Uncle Cecil with Irma Hirst

I believe this is also Cecil with Irma Hirst.

Hirst family siblings

 This is various photos of Hirst family.  I don't know all of them but I have some information.  To give you an idea of who's who.  Leon Miles's mother was Grace Hirst Miles.  Her brother's were Cecil and Willis Hirst. 
Naoma? Naomi was the wife of Willis, Cecil's brother.
This photo is Cecil proposing in fun to Willis' love (not sure if she was married to Willis at that point yet). :)

Cecil Hirst

Irma Hirst, oldest daughter of Willis and Naomi, (they had three, Irma, May, and Esther). 

Willis and Naomi.

Lina's granddaughter, Juanita (now deceased) said that in this picture the man all the way on the left looks like Anson Hirst. The man in the center looks like Todd Hirst. On the back of the picture it is written, "This is one I took.  Will send more I took if I ever find out if you are getting them." These pictures were all in an envelope with the same handwriting on the front and the return address surname is "Lloyd" from Aston, Pa. Blanche Hirst Lloyd was Todd Hirst's daughter. 

Juanita, Lina's granddaughter told me that she believes this is Lina and two of her three boys.

This picture is labeled "Todd's sister Grace and child and me."  Sent to Ellen by Blanch Hirst.  Grace is on the right.  I assume the child is Myrtie. The girl on the left is Blanch.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Letters from Henry to son Carroll

These two letters both came inside the scanned envelope above although the hand written letter was original to the envelope but the typed one is dated nearly 4 years later than the post mark.  The hand written letter was written on Jan. 4, 1921.  The typed letter was written on Dec. 13, 1924.  The post mark is Jan. 5, 1921.  I find it very interesting that the typed is on company stationary.  Henry Ezra Miles on the left corner, Mrs. Lois A Bell in the middle, and Miss Annie L. Bell on the right.  At the time of the letter Henry was not married to Annie Bell, but would marry her 10 years later in 1934.  She was his 3rd wife.  Lois Bell was Annie's mother.

Carroll Miles' invention

You know that handy drying rack that you can buy in any store??  It's original design was done by Carroll Miles. Cool, Huh?

Carroll's brother Earl Herbert Miles

I am thinking that this is a picture of Earl Herbert Miles and his wife Edna Hazel Barber Miles??  It is a picture postcard sent "To Aunt Etta with complements from Earl."

Carroll Miles with Lorna Jean and Carol Ann and Gloria (granddaughter)

I'm not sure who these girls are, although the man looks like Leon Miles.  It is written on the back of watermelon picture, "Fore part of July 1947".  Spelled exactly that way.

Gloria sent me this info: The top photo is a picture of Carroll Miles with Gloria Miles McAdams in his lap, and his two daughters by his second wife Rosella on either side. Picture was take in 1947-78 in front of the home of Leon Miles on Cemetery Road, in Berrien Springs, MI. Leon (Dad) lived there with his wife Eldora and daughter Gloria for four years while attending Emmanuel Missionary College (now Andrews University) from 1946-50. Gary was born while we lived in this house Nov 14, 1949. Leon remained at EMC for another year but we moved to a house closer to the university during the last year. Bob was born April 22, 1951. Carroll and his family came from Vermont to visit us 1948-49. I've never seen the other two photos before, but they look like they were taken on another occasion as the girls (probably the same two daughters as in the top picture) look younger.      Info supplied by Gloria McAdams