Monday, August 17, 2015

Letter from Rozel to Carroll

St. Johnsbury, Vt.
So. Main St.
Aug. 11, 1939
Darling Carroll,
I just received your letter tonight although I notice you wrote it last Friday and Sunday.  It came over to Mama's today and Ernie came over special with it tonight.  I have been here in St. J. this week.  Ernie brought me over last Sat. night.  He has been awfully good.  Helped me get settled and stayed here as many nights as he could so I wouldn't be alone.  Everyone is so good to me.  Mr. Astle, the Welfare man in Littleton gave me money to have the lights turned on, pay the rent and get groceries. He has been at the

Sanitarium three different times, so he knows about our people and work there.  He liked it there very much.  I think he said he was there in 1926 - 27 and 29.  Maybe you saw him there - he is an elderly man - I should say in his sixties.
Harold said he saw you and I was so glad.  He intended to call Tuesday but they were late getting home.   They are so good to me.  Zelma, Dot and Harold came down Wed. and helped me clean and get settled.  Gave me some peaches, bread, butter, and spaghetti.  The people down stairs (the Beams) gave me some respberries and tomatoes.  Mama gave me some milk, string beans and lettuce when

I came over.  Uncle Will brings a quart of milk every day (Mr. Astle asked him to). Zelma also gave me string beans, beets, carrots, lettuce and cucumbers.  I have ice so evverything keeps grand.  Dad is helping Rolla (?) hay.  This morning they came over and Rolla brought a quart of milk some new potatoes, some cucumbers.  Beneah (?) sent over a pair of shoes, a swimsuit and a little silk dress for Lorna.  The shoes are very good and a perfect fit and she needed some.  Ernie has been awfully good too.  He would have brought me down to see you if he had had work but he has been broke.  However he worked last week and just got a job this morning and expects to work

next week.  I have wanted to see you so much dear, but I hope you will soon be home.
Now to answer a few of your questions.  your glasses weren't broken.  If I knew how long you would be there I could send them to you.  I will try and send some fudge.  I have your pocket book, license and money.  The car is alright.  I haven't got your Bible.  I'm so glad, honey, that your appetite has improved and I'm looking forward to your coming home soon.
Lorna Jean is so good all the time.  She looks at your picture and says, "Daddy, Daddy."  I told her you were coming home soon.  Carol Ann is a little darling.  She doesn't cry very much and she's a pretty little girl - looks just like you.  She is a big baby though.  She will be six weeks old Sunday and yesterday she weighed 10 1/2 lbs.
I thought it would be best to get things settled some and have it cozy for you when you come home.  Don't worry about anything dear.  I'm well provided for and the Johnson's are very good friends.  The Dorcus Society is going to help us too.  Harold and Zelma are taking us up to spend Sabbath with them.  Ernie is coming over again tomorrow night and he plans to bring Mama.  he splits kindling for me and fills the wood box.  He has

 been so good.  Fixed the screen door for the kitchen so I can have that door open.
Edmund has a new girl friend.  She is a teacher and has a new Ford U.S?  With Ernie to drive the taxi for him he can have an afternoon off once in a while and go places with her.
I am sending another envelope, dear, but I hope you will be coming home and not have to use it.
We love you lots and lots and long to have you with us.  Am so very glad that you're so much better.
Carroll, darling, you can't imagine how very lonesome it is without you.  Oh, I do hope and pray you can come home soon.  in the interim I'll keep on praying and doing the best I can.  God bless you, dear.

Lots of love and kisses from your Rosie and Babies,

P.S. Just received your good news letter this morning.  Will find

some way to come after you as soon as I get the Doctor's letter.  If Ernie isn't working he can bring me down otherwise Harold Johnson says he will come after you.  I probably can't come unless Ernie can bring me.  However we'll be seeing you soon dear and I'm so very happy to know you can come home.  

Bye, Bye, dear,

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