Monday, October 19, 2020

Various school pictures and other, Marilyn, Bob, Gary, Gloria

Marilyn, 1966


Merle Robert Miles (Bob)

Gary (maybe 1963)

Gary 1964

Gary, SVA 1965 (Freshman)

Gloria Miles

Written on the back in lovely handwriting:
Gloria June Miles
Spring of 1954


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Gary's graduation from SVA in June 1968

Leon and Gary


Leon's brother Ralph, sister Ellen, Gary, and girl

Bobby, Linda Leatherman, Gary, girl 2


66 & 67 Leon's kids

This is labeled Dec 66 on the side, so developed then.  Obviously summer time in the picture, so summer of 66.  Marilyn in the red shorts.  Not sure who the girl is with her head turned away.
Back of the photo says:
On Harold Seis' Farm, near Montpelier, Vt. July 10, 1967 - return trip from Expo 67
Little Gary} Aunt Ruth's children
Seis' family dog.


Pictures of Marilyn, Gary, and Bobby in May 1966, most are taken in Plymouth Mass.

Marilyn and unknown children


Unknown girl and Marilyn

Marilyn, Gary, and Bobby

Marilyn (probably Bobby's feet) and Gary

Gary, Leon, and Bobby (Marilyn probably took this picture)

Statue of Massasoit Indian in Plymouth, Mass

Marilyn, Gary, and Bobby

Bobby, Gary, and Marilyn


Various color and black and white photos of Gloria, Marilyn, Gary, Bobby, from March of 1966 (when they were developed)

Bobby on the left, not sure of the other two peopel

Mitchell Vega on the left facing, unsure of other identities.

Gloria on the left looking at her cards, lady in blue unknown, Mitchell to the right of her


Gloria on Mitchell's lap

