Monday, September 4, 2017

Letter from Ruth Miles to Ellen, Jun 12 1972

I believe this letter was written in 1972 just prior to the Alaskan vacation trip that Elton, Ruth, Patti and Ellen took together.  Ellen would have been in Mineral, Virginia and Elton and Ruth in Florida.  There wasn't any envelope with this letter and it is on a small piece of note paper, approx 6 in x 8 in.  From the sentences, the assumption is that there were pictures included in this letter, but without an envelope, it was a loose piece of paper on it's own.

Dear Ellen:                                                                 June 12

One picture is worth a thousand words -- you now have a few thousand words --

We are all anxiously awaiting the 10th of July and doing a great deal of planning.

Mother is going to Columbus this week and will be there for two weeks.  She will be home for 2 weeks before we start on our vacation.

The one large picture is the one Elton had made up fro your Christmas present -- we found it not too long ago and thought that is never too late to enjoy this "masterpiece".
We sent for a new edition of the MILEPOST that will be a help as it has all the information about the Alaskan highway and waterways.

Elton may have a few words to add to this so I will not close it until he comes in __
                                                             Elton, Ruth and Patti

Ellen's letter to Leon, Jan 1968

In this letter, Ellen talks about her ongoing separation and property issues with Sylvan.  Grace had died just 2 months prior (Nov 4, '67) and Leon was separated/divorced.

Dear Leon,
    Surprise!  I'm finally perking up a bit and writing letters.  The telephone bills have taught me to try my hand with letters for a change.
     Eldora and Gary honored us with a visit 2 weeks ago when she figured she'd catch you down here!  What a life!  Well, anyway they invited me up to visit them on Jan 13 to see the Senior benefit program and I had planned to get there but we were having sleet and it seemed wise to stay in.  I stayed in and worked Sat. Jan 13 11-7, night.  Of course they got here 2 weeks ago while Ralph and I were out and Lois gave us quite a lingo about what she and Gary were supposed to have told her.  Wait a minute this paragraph is sort of mixed up but I guess it doesn't matter.
     One big reason for this letter is that the Bank in Mineral is reluctant to foreclose and they have held off waiting for me to see them.  They want me to sign a brief five day note for the 350 plus the 79 of mothers that I had asked to be taken out of the place up there. Then let that note default and then they would have a better chance of getting that money out of the McGhee place.  The lawyer's fee for handling the foreclosure will be $250.00!
     Friday Sylvan called me at school and told the secretary it was Ralph so I called him back.  I notified my lawyer and he suggested we meet Sylvan.  We did and he got Sylvan to sign my divorce papers, so the first part will be completed around Feb. 15, 1968.  Also S. B. gave me back my diplomas etc. and the copies of the two deeds! so that meeting was worth while.  He wanted to sell McGhee place and I told him if he could to go ahead and he could contact Mr. Goddin, my lawyer and we would complete the papers when all the bills were paid including the Peoples Finance.  Well, Myrtle Hall called me last night to tell me where he was, but I didn't go to see him as I had nothing for him to sign.  I took off work today and Ralph went with me to Louisa and we saw Mr. Rischardson and Ralph saw the Sheriff.  Mr. Rischardson is very nice and helpful now and he is willing to wait a little while to get Sylvan to sign the property off so I can handle it myself and save the lawyers fees!  When Sylvan calls next time my lawyer will have deeds for both properties ready, and if I could have 2 or 3 hundred dollars ready I think I could get Sylvan's signatures and get him out of my hair.  If you could send me some, it would help a great deal.

Ralph and I are concerned about when or how we could get the tings in mother's house assigned to those who want them.  Could we do it by sending copies of the inventory around?   Will you be available anytime this summer, if so what week?  Since Sylvan is around, I don't go up home anymore for awhile unless someone were with me.  I got most of the things from up at McGhees except the furniture and a couple of trunks.  The bedstead should be brought down to replace the one that was upstairs in my old room.  Lois' mother needed a bed as I am sleeping in hers and Ralph and I didn't figure anybody particularly cared for it but if they do we will consider returning it to them.
     It seems to me that the things that can be used might better be used than to let them just sit there.
     Did I tell you the trailer is in my name now?  The bank repossessed it for me and sold it back to me for what was owed plus refinance charges.
     Anyway things are beginning to shape up for me.  Hope things are working out for your.  You know Leon, there are so many sings that time is running out.  I do hope that things will work out so you will find happiness again.  I don't expect to ever find happiness in marriage, it seems to me the chances for a Miles to pick a suitable mate are almost nil.
     Well, I must hurry and get some papers ready for work tomorrow.  let us hear from you soon.  I plan to visit May the first weekend the weather is nice.
                                                                                   Lovingly you sister,

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Old black and white pictures from Grace - unknown location/children/time period

These small pictures (approx 1.5 in x 3 in) were in a white envelope.  On the front written in Ellen's handwriting:  "unknown, m. had these in this envelope I think"

M = mother/Grace Miles

I am guessing these could be pictures of possibly Gloria and Gary in Ohio??  Because the clothing suggests the time period of possibly the 40's and 50's??  They of course could be children from other family members as well both on the Miles side as well as the Hirst side, so I'm very unsure.  I do not think this is the farm in Mineral nor the farm in Vermont because it doesn't look at all like it.

Unknown people, do you know any of them???

On the back: "Rec'd Sept 1959 from Helen Mollohan"  I believe in Ellen's handwriting.  No idea who this is or who Helen Mollohan is.

On the back: "about May '58, Maryland
Darlene Bailey
Mike Karnes"
When I did a search for those names and found the following marriage certificate.  Given the location (Orange Virginia is very near Mineral) and also religion of the people on the certificate (Seventh-Day Adventist) there's a good change the groom is possibly the baby in the photo above.  I'll try to do some more searching to find out.

This picture is clearly a beloved family member. Seems to have come out of a family photo album.  But there is no identification on it at all.  I'm hoping that someone will recognize her. 

Unknown pictures of ladies with Grace

This picture has "Do you know these.  N.E. L or J? Aug - 1952" written on the back.  I know the fourth one from the left is Grace Hirst Miles.  I have no idea who the others are.  

Marilyn and Rick with Janelle, Jason and Jana, Gary, and Leon. c 1998 (approx)

These where all pictures together in an envelope.  I don't know if they were Ellen's or Leon's.  Very sweet ages of innocence.  Anything written on the backs are in parenthesis, otherwise identified by me for clarification.

"Jana 12 1/2 and Jason Miles 17 1/2, Nashville TN"

"Global Trolley 4/1998"
I'm not sure of the looks like global trolley.  This is Janelle Perez.

"April 1998"
Janelle Perez

"June 1998"
Marilyn Miles Perez, Janelle Perez, and Rick Perez

Leon Miles, Chris Turner, Jana Miles Turner, Gary Miles.  There's nothing on the back of this one, so I'm not sure of the date, but I'm guessing right around the time Jana and Chris got married.

The following 3 pictures are from Marilyn and Rick's time at Lake Anna.  I'm not sure of the people or the date except that I believe that it is Rick on the jet ski with Beth.



There's just two small pictures of Leon that I scanned in.  The first is a school photo from the year 1967-1968.  The second is a loose picture that was in the box.  This is often how I remember my dad.  He would stand in front of the mirror each morning before school and shave while I sat and watched.   Then he would splash his face with Old Spice.  And let me touch his smooth cool skin.

Ellen and Elton's trip to Alaska and visit with the Dasher's - panning for gold

This roll of their trip only had one picture with anything written on the back, the bridge picture.  I know this is Ruby's family and I've tried to identify everyone, but if I've made any mistakes, let me know.

"Mile post #1132.8, Donjek River bridge with mountain view!  Breakfast here Tues am 8/1/72 and also breakfast Fri am 8/4/72"

Victor Dasher, Bruce Dasher, Ruby Weston Dasher, Patty Miles Noel (I think), Fay Dasher, Elton Miles

Bruce, Fay (behind Bruce), Ruby (behind Fay), Ruth Miles, Patty, Rita Dasher, Elton

Bruce, Ruth, Elton, Rita

Rita Dasher

Fay, Bruce and Elton in the background

Bruce, Patty, Fay

Bruce, Ruby, Patty, Ellen, Fay, Elton

Fay, Bruce and Ruth behind her

Bruce, Ruth, Elton, Daryl

Fay, Bruce, and Elton

Bruce, Ruby, Elton

Elton with his signature concentration look.  :)  He would put his tongue out the side of his mouth whenever he was thinking.

Bruce, Ruby, and Ellen

Fay and Rita


Bruce, Victor, Daryl, Elton

Daryl, Fay, Victor

Ruth, Fay, Bruce, Ruby, Elton, Victor

Bruce, Victor, Elton, Daryl

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Cauthorne family, Christmas card and letter

So I am learning that the Cauthorne mother was friends with Aunt Ellen possibly because of Aunt Ellen's job as public health nurse (She wrote "Ashland PHN" on the envelopes).  I connected with Nancy Cauthorne when I found the black and white pictures of her with Aunt Ellen, and Ralph visiting Elton and family in Florida.  It is neat to see a little into Ellen's life with her friends.

Back of picture above.

Letter a couple weeks later:

This letter is so sweet and so sad.  At the end there, Francis asks if her "family has increased" yet.  At this point, Ellen has been married to Sylvan for 7 years.  And there wasn't any children.  I'm not sure why.  But it is a very sad thing.  She didn't talk about it.

Back of photo above.  Picture was included in the letter.